I’ve realized my melancholy the last few days about missing my three children has been brought to the front because of the Mother’s Day hoopla and all the commercial push around it.  Send flowers…. Pick the right gift.. send the right “Hallmark” card.  It has brought me to the point where I wanted to hop on a plane and fly to Los Angeles where two of my three children live just to be with them on Sunday.  Experience an lovely breakfast together while we laugh.

Well to say I won the kid lottery would not give enough credit to their Father and myself and yet they are ultimately three of the most amazing people and we can’t take all the credit.  They are friends, lovers, compassionate adults that are growing even more beautiful with each passing year.

In my work as a Life Strategist and NLP Transformation Coach I share about “modeling” to my clients about learning from those who do well and are successful at something you want to learn.  Today as I shared about my children with a new friend at coffee what naturally came out was that I have been doing some “modeling” of my own.   It was as if a light bulb went on.

Looking at my oldest daughter and how courageous she has been in her young adult life.  To strike out on her own to foreign countries and live by herself for three months and then years at a time.  No family no friends to fall back on and she has been successful in getting a PhD and finding the love of her life.  Modeling her mindset and courage to push through even when loneliness, fear and sadness comes she has been able to turn it around and stay strong to have her dreams come true.  It gave me the courage to move to a new place sight unseen and not look back!

My middle child was always focused and steady her Father and I always called her an “old soul”.  Most of the time knowing what she wanted and going for it with patience, courage, and kindness.  After my divorce and I began dating and getting involved with men again I would sometimes say…. “What would Kim do?”  She had a wonderful lack of drama in her relationships with friends and men she dated.  I want to model her calm, and drama free relationship style.

My amazing and kind hearted third child.  He is the most loyal of friend the most amazing boyfriend to his select few girls he has dated along the way.  Looking at how he would always stick up for a friend with passion.  Give literally the shirt off his back to help someone he loved and cared for.  His friendships, some of which have been since Kindergarten, still exist with sincerity and love.  I want to model his deep unconditional love with my friends.

So yes, while it is Mother’s Day on Sunday and I am happy to take some of the credit for these three wonderful human beings, most important is that I want to celebrate their achievements, their goals met, their love given and shared and their generosity and kindness to others.  Thank you for making Motherhood the most amazing experience for me.  You all have my heart forever…..  Love Mom


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