Ready to leave your 2017 baggage behind you?

FREE Discovery Call


What you’ll learn is:

• How to keep what’s truly important in focus.

• How to really be you.

• A better way to define your goals.

• How to create your future on your terms.

Schedule FREE 1 on 1 Meeting With Wendy

About Total Breakthrough Connections

We all have patterns which we call limiting beliefs that we have trusted in since we were young.  These have worked and kept us safe and they don’t go away at once.  My goal is to help you step outside the patterns we have learned or that have been ingrained in us.  For example limiting beliefs… If I don’t do it then it won’t get done right or at all…. If we don’t change the patterns how do you create sustainable results?  I was criticized so I’m never good enough, smart enough.  So we play small and be as safe as possible.  Safety is procrastination.  Safety is another word for fear.  We don’t speak up or speak our truth and NOW is the time to do that.   It’s time to contribute not just let the world pass you by. – Wendy Robinson, Founder of Total Brekathrough Connections

You certainly were a beacon during my time of uncertainty. I know you will have an impact and be a positive influence on everyone fortunate enough to reach out to work with you. My well being was greatly impacted because I was able to calm the stress I was consumed with. Breathing becomes easier when the stress is alleviated.” “A relationship always reaps the benefits of less stress and clarity. My self worth was effected in a positive way which in turn brought a sense of peace to the relationship. My future and potential impact has so many more options. It is nice to know that in the future, if I lose my way, I can depend on Wendy to discuss options I may not have considered, to be a sounding board and to help you feel comfortable with your decisions.” “She is a human GPS, a Xanax with legs. A person you can depend on to help and we all need help eventually.

Donna D.

I’m positive that the Breakthrough Session was the catalyst for releasing a lot of old baggage that was holding me back in frustrating ways — frustrating because I always knew that I was capable of much more, but felt as if I was driving “with the emergency brake on”, so to speak, and didn’t know how/have the tools to release that brake. Wendy offered a key and I am truly grateful for that.




Trauma Release

Trauma occurs when events overwhelm a person’s capacity to cope with them. Since children have a more limited capacity than adults, even children who grow up in loving homes may experience some form of trauma.

Survivorship Coaching

Wendy Robinson is a Certified Professional Coach, COR.E Well-being Dynamics Specialist, and survivorship coach who helps cancer survivors and their families create greater well-being while navigating the challenges of cancer.


We begin with the Client telling the Practitioner the problem. Extensive history through a series of questions and is taken to evaluate, discover and uncover HOW you do it in your head. The Practitioner will also probe to discover the source…


The Breakthrough Session which includes MER® (Mental and Emotional Release) is alternative or complementary health care under the laws of a number of States: The person you will be working with is not licensed.

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Integrating MER® And Breakthrough to Transformation


HISTORY OF Mental and Emotional Release®

Dr. Tad James, Dr. Matt James father, originally came up with the technique during a training. This impromptu technique was the result of a student experiencing negative emotions and leaving the room. Dr. Tad James trademarked the process of releasing emotional baggage through NLP as Time Line Therapy® (aka Time Empowerment Therapy®). My teacher, Dr. Matt James has his own business, The Empowerment Partnership, he was able to use the same process, rename it, and trademark it as Mental and Emotional Release®. When you see either of these three terms: Mental and Emotional Release®Time Line Therapy®, or Time Empowerment Therapy®, they are all referring to the same process which will get very powerful results!

“Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality” Earl Nightingale – 1921-1989, Radio Personality and Author


Negative Baggage from DNA

    1. It has been established through research that our DNA carries traumatic events from our ancestors.


    MER® allows you to revisit the root cause of your baggage or trauma. From there, your unconscious mind releases the emotion and yet keeps the learnings which there always is in any situation. Like it or not we grow out struggle, it seems to be the human experience. Releasing emotions at this root cause is like pulling a string out of a necklace, each situation to the present releases the emotion and while you may still remember the event there is no emotional charge around it.


To get the best results, you should have a Master Practitioner of MER® work with you. This is a process that we do together. I am with you every step of the way making the transition from Trauma to Transformation to the person that you were meant to be.  Coaching is a powerful process. It is not advice, therapy, nor counseling and may address specific personal projects, business successes or general conditions in the client’s life or profession. At times, you may feel “up against a wall” or as if something isn’t working. This is often a perfect sign that you are releasing obstacles and limiting beliefs. My request is that any and all concerns be addressed with me so I can support you and so our relationship remains in integrity. We will work together to ensure that your needs are met. Coaching is a designed alliance that helps bring out the best in the client and helps the client create and live the life they want to live.

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