


Wendy Robinson, Creator of GODDESS INSIGHT workshops for women’s empowerment next workshop will be announced.

Creator DO LOVE RIGHT Retreats “As two become one” workshops to empower same sex couples to deepen and strengthen their commitment to each other and the world. This weekend experience presents valuable tools for LGBT couples to learn how to better deal with their differences, disagreements, their expectations, their family backgrounds, and their ability to learn to forgive and heal. Next workshop fall 2016.

Past Events



A Workshop For Women Ready to Discover Their Feminine Power Within Manage YOUR STRESS and help you figure out HOW MUCH IS STRESS COSTING YOU??

  • How to open yourself to new possibilities, new achievements, and new breakthroughs.
  • How to create, sustain, and enjoy the rewards of meaningful change.
  • How to rekindle and reshape the relationships that matter, and how to dismantle the relationships that don’t.d
  • How to clear the clutter that inhibits personal growth and sustainable results

Join Wendy Robinson and Noa Schecter for a day of illuminating change. A day of one meaningful breakthrough after another, where you discover powerful new ways to tap into your inner strengths.

Open yourself to all of the exciting possibilities. Make 2015 a year where resolutions are replaced with meaningful and enduring rewards… the rewards of stronger relationships and true freedom. The possibilities are so exciting you’ll look back on February 28th as the day everything changed.

JUST $97! Join us on SATURDAY,

February 28, 2015 in Newport Beach, CA

(310) 383-3994


How to Unlock your Beauty and Power!

Meet the trainers

Wendy Robinson & Noa Schecter

Wendy Robinson, CPC,ELI-MP

A leading communication and relationship expert, Wendy Robinson, inspires clients to take all relationships to a whole new level of passion and communication that empowers them to discover, experience and share the gift of a breakthrough healthy connection. She is a Reiki Practitioner and her passions include meditation, hiking, rowing, golf, travel, and volunteering.

Wendy Robinson

Wendy Robinson

Noa Schecter,

CPC, ELI-MP, NLP Master Practitioner

The first step toward change can be a challenging one. Noa partners with her clients to assist them to overcome their fears and confusion. This partnership allows for positive change and new possibilities as clients proactively take action to improve their relationships with themselves and others.

Remember the Date!

February 28, 2015

Interested to find out more?

Click here to contact me!
Book Appointment Here