As you may have seen me on my website or on Facebook Page Total Breakthrough Connections I broke a wooden board with my hand. Yes I really did that!!

This board represented my new values, goals, and future achievements AND it also represented what I felt was holding me back that I no longer was going to have in my life. Obstacles that I have let get in my way.

I had a friend who tried to get me to this program for almost a year. I just wasn’t that interested. Wow was I wrong!! This information is mind blowing to me! AND I am so excited to be sharing my new tools for coaching with all of you!

So what is NLP? NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programing and it’s one of the amazing tools I have in my coaching toolbox.
NLP explores the relationships between how we think (neuro), how we communicate (linguistic) and our patterns of behavior and emotion (programs).

NLP allows us to study of how we structure our thinking, how we react to our environment, how we experience situations that we encounter, as well as how we communicate to others and ourselves. With the use of NLP we can map our thinking, behavior and communication and the strategies behind them.

The techniques I now have access to are so simple, and yet very effective! NLP provides specific, proven methods and techniques that change the thinking and the behaviors of those who practice the techniques. The MER (Mental and Emotional Release Technique) has been clinically proven to help clients release some heavy duty baggage in the form of anger, sadness, fear just to name a few. It also assists with those limiting beliefs that have been programed into us at an early age.

There are a range of NLP techniques that I use, depending on the nature of the problem I’m working on with a client. You see, we’ve all developed patterns of thinking which subsequently affect our behavior, and ultimately affect the results we have in our lives. We find that old patterns no longer serve us. What might some unwanted patterns of thinking and behavior that have become habits for you?

When you go from procrastination to motivation with one simple anchoring technique. Stop eating those potato chips and soda and stop the bad habit of nail biting!

Easily and effortlessly, NLP techniques help you make changes at a deep unconscious level, allowing you to change your old patterns and bring about the desired outcomes you have for your life.

How about a fear of flying or heights I use a fast phobia technique to help you get rid of phobias? How good will you feel when you are less anxious and fearful about the future? You can change these unwanted behaviors and beliefs like low self-esteem, inner conflicts, vulnerability and shame. Then re-install new thinking and behaviors like motivation, relaxation, confidence, clear decision-making, higher productivity, a positive mind-set, excellence and peak performance.

With the help of a qualified NLP Coach you can identify and eliminate your personal blocks and replace them with effective and powerful life-changing strategies. You will be able to connect with your inherent abilities and strengths to bring about new results in all areas of your life.

Any questions? Are you ready for a private Breakthrough Session? Please leave and questions or comments here or contact me through this facebook page. Or contact me on my website…

Many Blessings,

Wendy Robinson, CPC, NLP-MP, Hypnotherapy – MP

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